Winning to Lose: The State´s Unsustainable Counterrevolutionary Comeback in Egypt

The paper by Ibrahim El Houdaiby analyses the challenges posed to the Egyptian modern state from its emergence until today. None of the revolutionary waves before 2011 were able to dismantle the fundamental features of elitism, authoritarian guardianship and violence predominating the Egyptian political scene. The 2011 revolution brought the opportunity to challenge the state´s model of governance but three years later many argue that the Egyptian state has succeeded to absorb the revolutionary shocks and has ensured a successful comeback. According to the author a deeper scrutiny suggests that the recent developments have resulted in political stagnation, deterioration of the economic situation and bureaucratic failures. El Houdaiby concludes that, in order to secure the survival of the Egyptian state, the new regime needs to embark on a profound reform process, which will alter the very foundations of the current political regime.