System-Opening and Cooperative Transformation of the Greater Middle East. A New Trans-Atlantic Project and a Joint Euro-Atlantic-Arab Task

Differences in transatlantic approaches to new challenges stemming from the cycle of instability from “Marrakech to Bangladesh“(Asmus and Pollack) were intensely debated and experienced during the Iraq crisis in 2002-2003. The Western world – indeed modern complex industrialised societies as a whole – is both exporters and importers of the effects of globalisation. It depends on successful globalisation and so must deal with a specific domestic reform agenda to manage it properly. Successful globalisation calls for stability, transparency, efficient and accountable political and corporate governance structures, open societies and social conditions that distribute the benefits of globalisation. In turn, this means a solid state of rule of law and predictable public procedures in line with Western interests. An EU-led strategy for the Greater Middle East will be based intuitively on the Barcelona Process experience, Europe’s Middle East policy, the consistent reservation against the dual containment policy against Iraq and Iran, the insistence on a constructive dialogue with Iran, the cooperative arrangements with the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the EU focus on economic cooperation.