Policy Brief
Syrian Civil War: Limitations and Preconditions for Effective Multilateralism in an Evermore Conflictual Multipolar World
Based on an analysis of the hardened fronts between the manifold conflict parties in the Syrian civil war, the article suggests that the only feasible way to reach lasting conflict resolution requires external actors finding a reconciliation of interests that goes far beyond the Syrian conflict. The article calls for re-intensified interaction, bargaining, and eventually a rapprochement between the United States, its European allies, and Russia on all issues touching common interests. There is a need for a U.S.-EU-Russian grand bargain on eye-level that could involve issues such as the status of Eastern Ukraine and Crimea, the security of the Baltics, the future of NATO, Russia’s role in the MENA region, Russian gas shipments to Europe, and multilateral trade relations in general.
This Policy Brief was written in the framework of the Working Package “The Future of Syria” led by the Global Political Trends Center.