This paper will explore the potential scope and contents of the “Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas” (DCFTAs) that the EU is envisaging with Morocco and Tunisia. First, this contribution will review the current framework of these countries’ trade relationship with the EU. Second, the key principles and mechanisms of the DCFTAs will be assessed. The author will then introduce a comparative approach, analysing the potential scope and contents of the Tunisia and Morocco DCFTAs in the light of the DCFTAs that the EU has recently concluded with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. In particular, the possible ‘deep’ and ‘comprehensive’ dimension of these trade deals will be scrutinized. The impact of the General Court’s judgement of 10 December 2015 in Frente Polisario v. Council on the EU-Morocco DCFTA negotiations will also be analysed. Finally, some concluding remarks and policy recommendations are formulated.