10 September 2019

Youssef Chahed, the Prime Minister

Youssef Chahed, 43 years old, born in Tunis, is the candidate supported by Tahya Tounes (Long Live Tunisia). A member of Essebsi’s party Nidaa Tounes since 2013, he was expelled in 2018 as a result of internal divisions and elected as President of Tahya Tounes, a party created in January 2019. He is an agricultural engineer by training and since 2016 he is the Prime Minister of Tunisia. He has been the longest-serving Tunisian Prime Minister since 2011, despite the political instability, the domestic discontent as illustrated by the large-scale social movements in 2018, and a delicate security situation. Enhancing national security, creating a free trade zone with Algeria, breaking with family politics are some of the aspects mentioned in a 10-points electoral programme presented on 4 September.

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