UfM organizes its Trade SoM in Brussels and its first regional business forum in Cairo
On 13 June, the Senior Officials of UfM member states met in Brussels and on 18 June, UfM celebrated its first regional business forum in Cairo, in the presence of UfM Secretary General Nasser Kamel. Some of the points on the agenda of the Trade Senior Officials Meeting were the Regional Convention on Pan-euro Mediterranean preferential rules of origin, the Action Plan on fight against piracy and measures to facilitate Palestinian products with other Euro-Mediterranean partners. On 18 June, the UfM hosted over 150 representatives from the private sector, civil society, governments and international organizations to discuss about market access and e-Commerce in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Considering that the region is “one of the most economically fragmented regions in the world”, the UfM expressed its support for the Agadir Agreement as a good example of South-South Cooperation, and underlined the importance of the regional forum in order to “promote trade and investment in the UfM region”.
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -