The impact of think tanks on Euro-Mediterranean policies
- 24 January 2017
The main network of think tanks on policy and security in the Mediterranean, EuroMeSCo, held a workshop at the IEMed (Barcelona) with representatives of European institutions dedicated to external action. The aim was to share the perspectives of the European institutions for the Euro-Mediterranean agenda and to discuss how think tanks influence the definition of appropriate Euro-Mediterranean policies.
Senén Florensa, IEMed’s Executive President, introduced a meeting with the participation of Irène Mingasson, responsible for the Regional Programs of the Southern Neighborhood of the European Commission; Rosamaria Gili, head of the division of the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and Regional Policies of the European External Action Service, and Jérome Cassiers, Chair of the Mashrek/Maghreb Working Party of the EU Council.
On behalf of EuroMeSCo, more than twenty researchers from the network were involved, including Emmanuel Cohen-Hadria, Head of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the IEMed and the EuroMeSCo secretariat coordinator; Nathalie Tocci, Deputy Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali (Italy); Dalia Ghanem-Yazbeck, Erian Fellow of the Carnegie Middle East Center (Lebanon), among others.