The Egyptian government blames the Hasm group for a car explosion that left 20 casualties in central Cairo
On 5 August, a car driving in the opposite direction clashed and provoked a blast in which 20 people died and 47 got injured. The episode took place in Cairo, in front of the National Cancer Institute, which was severely damaged. Egyptian authorities announced that the main suspect of this attack is the Hasm group, an armed affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Egypt designated as a terrorist organization in 2013. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi declared on social networks that what happened is a terrorist attack and that Egypt will “pull out terrorism by the roots”. The EU expressed its solidarity with the Egyptian people and declared that it “stands side by side with Egypt in its efforts to defeat terrorism in the country”, according to a statement by the Spokesperson. The UN Security Council also published a statement to condemn “in the strongest terms the cowardly terrorist attack in Cairo”, expressing the need to fight terrorists and assuring its readiness to “cooperate actively with the Government of Egypt”. Analysts warn that Hasm’s responsibility is not clear and that it could be used by the Egyptian Government to increase repression of dissent.
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -