The 4th MedThink 5+5 takes place in Malta
On 1-2 July, the 4th MedThink 5+5 Forum took place in Malta. The forum gathered more than 40 experts and representatives of think tanks and diplomatic institutions from the 10 countries that take part in the 5+5 Dialogue. During the meeting the participants discussed about how to foster an environmentally-friendly and resilient socioeconomic model for the region. In particular they explored the role of the 5+5 Dialogue in fostering Euro-Mediterranean cooperation and the possibility of creating new alliances not only in the framework of 5+5 but also in the whole Euro-Mediterranean region. Miguel García-Herraiz, Deputy Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, attended the meeting and commented that: “The 5+5 Dialogue offers a model of advanced political cooperation whose current political dynamism provides a valuable template for broader cooperation efforts in the whole Mediterranean region.”
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -