Have your say on the future of Euro-Mediterranean relations!
The Euromed Survey 2025 is now out! The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) is launching an open, region-wide consultation campaign co-funded by the European Commission. This is part of the larger consultations envisaged by the EU with a large array of stakeholders ahead of the publication of the New Pact for the Mediterranean.
- How can the EU better engage with the Mediterranean?
- Which partnership priorities should prevail?
- What should cooperation frameworks and instruments look like?
This consultation takes the format of a Euromed Survey and targets respondents from both EU and Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries, including policy-makers, experts, academia, civil society representatives, and the private sector.
Participate in the survey now! Feed in the current policy debates in the Euro-Mediterranean region and have your say on its future.
The Survey is open until 30 March.