Morocco invested 3,38bn € in Africa (2003-2017)
A recently published study by the Moroccan Finance department reveals that Morocco directly invested 37 billion Moroccan Dirhams (3.38 billion €) in Africa in the period 2003-2017, as Africa has become a priority in Morocco’s external economic strategy. Among the investments, 53% were in the banking sector, 17% in the communications one, 11% has gone to industry, and 5% in holding companies. Geographically speaking, the report reveals that some 55% of the money went to western Africa, 25% to northern Africa, 15% to central Africa and 5% to southern Africa. More precisely, Egypt and Ivory Coast are the countries that received the highest amount of funds. Morocco’s net foreign direct investment flows amounted to 31.82 billion dirhams (2,94 billion €) at the end of this November, an increase of 36.7% compared to the same period last year.
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -