Morocco and the EU celebrate their 14th Association Council in Brussels
On 27 June, the 14th Association Council between the EU and Morocco was organized in Brussels; HR/VP Federica Mogherini and Moroccan foreign minister Nasser Bourita attended the meeting and announced a “Euro-Moroccan partnership for shared prosperity”. Both parts expressed their interest to give a new impetus to their relationship in order to give clear answers to the “ever more complex challenges” of the region as stated in the final joint declaration. According to this, the main issues on the agenda are “economic and human, inclusive and fair development, innovation and sharing of knowledge, protection of the environment and sustainable development, justice, security, intercultural dialogue, mobility and migration, human rights and good governance”. At the bilateral level, the focus will be on four different areas: convergence of values, economic convergence and social cohesion, shared knowledge, and political consultation and enhanced cooperation on different fields. Following the meeting FM Bourita declared that “EU-Morocco relationship had struggled in recent years and had been losing its way and also its substance” and for this reason it needs a new impulse. HR/VP Mogherini agreed declaring that “our partnership has overcome challenges and we have now turned the page.”
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -