12 June 2018

Mogherini in Jordan: guarantees enduring partnership and financial support

HR/VP Federica Mogherini conducted a large scale visit to Jordan days after the Prime Minister of the country Hani Mulki left the office because of mass protests against proposed tax reform. This reform was initiated by the International Monetary Fund in order to get a grip on rising public debt, in part caused by regional crises such as the influx of Syrian refugees.

Mogherini and King Abdullah II discussed the regional conflicts and reviewed possible options of reforms and economic programs in order to address current crisis in Jordan. HR/VP stated that the EU would provide the country with extra €20 million “that address, in particular, the needs of Jordanians who are especially vulnerable”. Also, she announced the European Union was ready to disburse “the second €100 tranche of macro-financial assistance”, amounting to € 1.18 billion over three years. This money goes mainly to the projects in the spheres of infrastructure, water, energy, and education. “We aim at keeping the same level of commitment and support for Jordan as we have had in these years. Moving to the partnership, which is as solid as the support we are committed to give – and we are giving, a very concrete one – Jordan is probably the most like-minded, the most natural partner we have in addressing a series of issues that are a top priority for both of us”, – noted Federica Mogherini at press-conference.

Later on, she gave a speech in a graduation ceremony of Jordanian and Syrian students at the German Jordanian University in Madaba – education project which was partly financed by the EU. HR/VP reminded that Jordan could count on Europe, but highlighted that “we are here not as a gesture of charity, if you allow me the expression, but as an investment”, adding that “investing in you is the best possible investment also in our EU future”.



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