MED7, the Summit of the Southern EU Countries meets in Malta
On 14 June, Valletta hosted the 6th south EU Summit. Heads of State of Italy, Malta, Cyprus, France, Portugal, Spain and Greece attended the meeting that focused on climate change, migration and the EU situation after the European Parliament elections. The hosting Prime Minister, Josep Muscat, reflecting about the summit declared: “Now I think [the Summit] has become a standard fixture that in itself will earn more gravitas and will become stronger within the European Union”. The southern European countries agreed that the creation of a common immigration and asylum policy is a priority. The 7 EU member states also endorsed the important role of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) that is considered as a key partner to “promote dialogue and convert challenges into opportunities”. The final declaration also mentioned the importance of the “Sommet des Deux Rives” in Marseille, considered as a positive example of platform for regional cooperation.
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -