Jordan sends a new ambassador to Qatar after two years of absence
On 16 July, Jordanian Government decided to nominate a new ambassador in Qatar. In 2017 Amman had withdrawn its ambassador in solidarity with Gulf Arab allies (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Bahrain). It is the first step toward restoring normal relations with Doha. With a royal decree, the Government named Zeid al-Lawzi Jordanian ambassador in Doha and accepted Qatar’s nomination of Sheikh Saud Bin Nasser bin Jasem Al Thani as ambassador to Amman. This decision followed previous overtures from Doha, such as the last visit of Qatar’s Deputy Prime Minister to Amman in which the two countries signed several military cooperation accords. Furthermore, last summer Qatar extended a $500 million aid package to Jordan in order to help Amman with its difficult economic situation.
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -