13 February 2018

Iraq’s future beyond Daesh defeat

On 13 February, the Ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS gathered in Kuwait City, on the sidelines of the Kuwait International Conference for Reconstruction of Iraq. In the joint statement released on 14 February the Foreign Ministers and members of the Global Coalition’s 75 partners reiterated the Coalition’s determination to defeat Daesh through a focused, sustained multifaceted effort, in accordance with the principles of international law, including the Charter of the United Nations, and relevant Security Council Resolutions. The meeting took place in the margin of the International Conference for the Reconstruction of Iraq, a three-day event which gathered in Kuwait City 67 states and non-states actors and aims to mobilise additional international support for Iraq at a very crucial moment in the history of the country, following the territorial defeat of Da’esh in 2017. The Conference was co-chaired by HRVP Federica Mogherini along with the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al–Jaber Al-Sabah, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, UN Secretary General António Guterres and World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. In the opening remarks, Mogherini reaffirmed the EU support to Iraq through €400 million funding in humanitarian, development and stabilisations actions. ‘’We want to consolidate the achievements that the Iraqi people have managed to build, and help you “win the peace”, after you managed to win the war against Daesh,’’ Mogherini claimed. Other countries expressed support to Iraq as well, Kuwait pledged over €1.6bn in loans and investments, Saudi Arabia said it would provide over €1.2bn, while Qatar pledged €800m. Turkey also agreed to donate, vowing to provide €4bn in financial support. Moreover, various non-governmental organizations pledged €243m during the first day of the summit.

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