Iran FM Zarif calls for dialogue with Saudi Arabia
On 12 March, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif reiterated his calls for dialogue with Saudi Arabia. During an interview with the BBC, he expressed the need for a strong cooperation between all countries in the region. “We have had enough strong men, we need a strong region. I do not think we are here to take action against any country or to secure intervention on behalf of Iran in any country, our positions are very clear, we call for dialogue,” he stated. Zarif added that Iran “has no reason to fight with any of the neighboring countries, including Saudi Arabia,” stressing Iran’s readiness to cooperate. He noted however that cooperation can only work if Saudi Arabia is convinced that “Iran’s security means the kingdom’s security”, stressing the fact that both countries’ security are linked. The Saudi side has not answered with the same enthusiasm by replying that it is not interested in co-operating bilateral nor regionally.
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -