Former Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi dies in Cairo
Mohammed Morsi, died on 17 June in Cairo, after 6 years in prison. Morsi (who was 67 years old) was testifying in a tribunal when he fainted and died after being transferred to a hospital. The state television of Egypt declared that Morsi died for a heart attack, but Human Rights groups and several members of the international community accused Sisi’s government of being responsible. Turkish president Erdogan, asked for an international investigation to “enlighten the case” of the Morsi’s death. Also, another Islamist ruling party, the Palestinian Hamas, reacted to Morsi’s death declaring that “Morsi died after a long journey of serving the Egyptian people and the issues of Arab and Islamic nations”. The UN Human Rights Committee asked an independent inquiry considering that “concerns have been raised regarding the conditions of Mr. Morsi’s detention, including access to adequate medical care, as well as sufficient access to his lawyers and family, during his nearly six years in custody”. Morsi has been detained in the Egyptian jail since 2013.
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -