EuroMeSCo, eighth best network of think tanks in the world
EuroMeSCo has been ranked the eighth best network of think tanks in the world, according to the University of Pennsylvania Global Go To Think Tank Index Report for 2017.
EuroMeSCo, which currently comprises 106 research institutes and centres specialised in politics and security from 32 countries in the Euro-Mediterranean area, is a network coordinated since 2010 by the IEMed.
Since 2015, the network has strengthened its research, dialogue and dissemination activities, as a result of 4-year grant received from the European Commission. Through presentation, seminars, conferences, annual research groups and its 5 lines of publications, EuroMeSCo strives to be plugged in to the Euro-Med policy agenda.
The network has started 2018 with a brand new website which offers invaluable features for the Euro-Mediterranean policy and academic community.