EuroMeSCo participated in the debates on youth in the II Regional Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean
- 24 January 2017
The network of research centres EuroMeSCo and the IEMed have collaborated with the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) on organising the 2nd Regional Forum of the UfM, this time focused on youths and their role in stability and development in the Mediterranean.
Representatives from EuroMeSCo think tanks participated in the various sessions of the forum. These included a panel on “The Future Starts Now: Youth at the Heart of the Mediterranean Agenda”, jointly organised by the IEMed and the EuroMeSCo network that featured EuroMeSCo panellists.
The debate explored the aspirations and problems of Mediterranean youths, as well as fostering their public participation and inclusion in the job market to avoid their marginalisation and, in the worst of cases, their radicalisation. The question of how to strengthen cooperation and regional integration was also discussed.