EuroMeSCo at the interplay between research and policy
The meeting of the EuroMeSCo ENI Project´s consortium took place on 27 November in Brussels and gathered over 30 participants, including members of the consortium and of the Steering Committee as well as representatives of the European Commission and of the European External Action Service. During the meeting, the initial parameters of the three research groups to be developed in 2019/2020 were discussed and approved.
The turnout of EU officials to the meeting and their feedbacks illustrate the growing capacity of the network to create bridges between its activities and policymakers.
Thus, in the fifth cycle of the project, the following Working Packages will be developed:
Working Package 1: The Role of China in the Middle East and North Africa. Beyond Economic Interests, to be led by CASE – Center for Economic and Social Research
Working Package 2: Infrastructures and Power in the Mediterranean, the Middle East and North Africa. The Crossroads of Regional and Global Geopolitics, to be co-led by CIDOB – Barcelona Center for International Affairs and IAI – Istituto Affari Internazionali
Working Package 3: The Potential Role of Water in Shaping the Future Euro-Mediterranean Dynamics, to be led by IPCRI – Israel/Palestine Creative Regional Initiatives
The Call for Researchers to join those groups will be launched mid-December. The participation is open to the researchers from the EuroMeSCo network.