1 March 2020

EU announces €130 million in economic and humanitarian assistance to Sudan

In his first visit to Africa as HR/VP, Josep Borrell met with several national and regional representatives and announced that the EU will be granting €130 million in economic and humanitarian assistance to Sudan. His four-day visit started with the African Union (AU)-European Union (EU) Commission-to-Commission meeting, where he chaired the session on peace, security and governance. After that, he held bilateral meetings with the AU Commissioner for Peace and Security Smail Chergui and with the UN Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Parfait Onanga, to discuss the future engagement of the EU in this region. The HR/VP also met with the Ethiopia’s PM Abiy Ahmed to show his support for the government’s reformist agenda, and he announced that an EU Election Observation Mission will be overseen the upcoming Ethiopian elections. In Sudan, the HR/VP reaffirmed the EU’s political and financial commitment with the country’s democratic transition, announcing a €100 million grant in support of the current government, led by PM Abdalla Hamdok. The EU financial help will assist Sudan in implementing its economic reforms, increasing youth and women employment, as well as improving the administration of public finances and overall governance. This statement was followed by a second announcement of €30 million in humanitarian aid, made by Borrell during his visit to current EU-funded projects in El Fasher, North Darfur.

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