Egypt and the EU sign €135m deal to create jobs and prevent migration
Sahar Nasr, Egyptian Minister of Investment and Christian Danielsson, Director-General for EU Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement, have signed, on behalf of Egypt and the EU, two cooperation agreements worth almost €135 million. The first one attempts to stimulate job creation, especially trough investments in small and medium enterprises, while the second aims to control migration, smuggling and human trafficking, as Egypt is becoming a hotspot for migrants. On the occasion, Egypt has stressed again its opposition to establishing centres in the Middle East and Africa, which would host deported asylum seekers. Regarding unemployment, it remains a major challenge in Egypt, specially affecting youth. According to the October 2018 IMF report World Economic Outlook, “unemployment in Egypt is prevailing among Egyptian youth, with 77.9% of the total unemployed Egyptians aged between 15 and 29 years”. Nevertheless, the report also points that it is expected to drop to 10.9% by the end of 2018, compared to 12.2% in 2017.
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -