Labelled as “Towards more social justice and inclusiveness in the Mediterranean”, this year’s EuroMeSCo Annual Conference will take the form of four in-person country events. For the Country Event in Tunisia, EuroMeSCo has launched a Call for Participants and a Call for Papers.
This Country Event is part of the EuroMeSCo Annual Conference 2022 within the framework of the EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots project, co-funded by the European Union and the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed). Co-organised with the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI), this Country Event will provide an opportunity to discuss social justice and inclusiveness in Tunisia.
The Tunisia Country Event will gather around 40 participants from across the Mediterranean and its neighbouring regions. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and exchange with officials, practitioners, researchers and think tankers on key issues in the Euro-Mediterranean area and contribute to policy shaping in the region.
Additionally, two selected authors (from the related Call for Papers) will be given the opportunity to present paper proposals in an open exchange with a broad audience. This session will address vulnerabilities mainstreaming inclusiveness in public policy reforms in Tunisia.
The aim of this call is to select up to 15 researchers and think tankers from the Euro-Mediterranean region and its neighbouring regions to participate and actively intervene in the Country Event. Participants will be selected based on their professional and academic background. Priority will be given to researchers affiliated to institutes which are members of the EuroMeSCo network.
Deadline: 26 April 2022, 23:59hrs CET
CALL FOR PAPERS – Addressing vulnerabilities, mainstreaming inclusiveness in public policy reforms in Tunisia
EuroMeSCo calls for researchers and think tankers to analyse and discuss formalisation, digitalisation, social protection programmes and policies, and EU-Tunisia cooperation opportunities to mitigate the impact of the recent crises and build back better towards a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive society.
If you wish to apply to more than one theme (max. 2) of the Call for Papers you need to fill a different form for each theme.
Read the terms of reference and submit your paper proposal by 26 April 2022, 23:59hrs CET.
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