Closing Event EuroMeSCo Annual Conference – Brussels
EuroMeSCo held the Closing Event of the Annual Conference “Towards more Social Justice and Inclusiveness in the Mediterranean” as its fifth and final event. The event, hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), was an opportunity to present and discuss the conclusions and political recommendations of the four Country Events that took place this year in Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt to policymakers from the European Commission, the European External Action Service (EEAS), the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM).
About 50 participants gathered in Brussels on November 30, including experts, EU policymakers, representatives from international institutions, and representatives from civil society and private sector organisations.
The session offered a platform to reflect on key issues for the Euro-Mediterranean region discussed in the previous 4 Country Events, specifically, employability of young people and women, social protection, inclusion of vulnerable social groups, informality, inclusive sustainable development and food security, among others.
The conference closed with a working session to present the two EuroMeSCo Papers: “Green Recovery and Balancing Between Paradoxes in Egypt: Towards fulfilling Social Justice & Food Security & Overcoming Socio- Economic and Environmental Challenges” authored by Aya Badr. Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo Universitya, and “The Hydrogen Economy as a Vector of Economic Growth, Social Inclusion and Climate-Sustainable Development in Egypt and the EU.”, presented by Yana Popkostova. Associate Analyst – Environmental Security, European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).
The event report and the Papers will be published soon on our site. Stay tuned to the latest news by following us on Twitter!