6 December 2021
CALL FOR TRAINERS – EuroMeSCo Workout 2022
As part of the project “EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots”, co-financed by the European Union and the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), we are launching a Call for Trainers in order to select professionals to conduct the EuroMeSCo Workout.
This activity consists of a few online and offline trainings aiming to build up research skills and capacities of think tankers and researchers from the EuroMeSCo network based on prior broad consultations and identified needs.
In the next cycle of the EuroMeSCo Workout, the following courses will be implemented:
- Policy Recommendations
- Funding Opportunities for Researchers
- Foresight Techniques
- Effectively Communicating Research Findings
- Effective use of economic data in Political Sciences
- Data Analysis and Visualization (using R programme)
- Social Media Digging: Apps, Followers and Engagement for Research
- Infographics & Data Visualisation
Read the Terms of References and apply now!
Deadline to apply: 9 January 2022, 23:59hrs CET