The Call for Participants of the EuroMeSCo Workout 2024 programme is now open! EuroMeSCo Workout courses target think tankers and researchers who are eager to improve their professional skills. Selected applicants will benefit free of charge from these online training sessions delivered by experienced professionals.
In the upcoming months, two EuroMeSCo Workout courses are foreseen. These courses will be held online:
- Ethics in Research involving vulnerable populations or politically sensitive information
- Writing Policy Recommendations: Dos and dont’s
Check the Contents & Schedule of this programme!
How to apply:
- Follow us on Twitter: @euromesco
- Complete the online form before 10 December 2023, 23:59 CET.
Applicants affiliated to institutes and think tanks that are members of the EuroMeSCo network will be given preference.
The IEMed will issue a Certificate of Completion upon the satisfactory completion of each course. This activity is carried out in the framework of the project EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots co-funded by the European Union and the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed).