Call for Participants – EuroMeSCo Workout 2021
As part of the project EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots, co-funded by the European Union and the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), a Call for Participants to the EuroMeSCo Workout programme has been launched. Selected applicants will be able to benefit free of charge from these online trainings given by experienced professionals.
EuroMeSCo Workout courses target think tankers and researchers who are eager to improve their skills in a particular area. Applicants affiliated to institutes and think tanks that are members of the EuroMeSCo network will be given preference.
In the upcoming months, five EuroMeSCo Workout courses are foreseen (the first four in English and the fifth in Arabic):
- Infographics and data visualization for beginners (March 2021). Eli Vivas & Laura Navarro, StoryData.
- Foresight Techniques for Research and Think Tank Work (April 2021). Florence Gaub, European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).
- Media Workout: how to be impactful in TV, radio or press interviews (May 2021). Youssef Cherif, Columbia Global Center Tunis.
- Policy Recommendations: The Key to Influence (May-June 2021). Georgeta Auktor, German Development Institute (DIE) & Daniela Marzavan, Team Marzavan.
- Writing Policy Papers: Do’s and Don’ts (June 2021). Mohamed Masbah, Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis. This course will be in Arabic.
The IEMed will issue a Certificate of Completion upon the satisfactory completion of each course.
In order to apply, candidates are invited to complete the online form and submit their application before 10 February 2021 (included). Applicants may apply to more than one course since they will not overlap.
For more information, you can check the Contents & Schedule of each of the courses.