Call for Papers for the EuroMeSCo Annual Conference 2021
Under the label “Setting the New Agenda for the Mediterranean in Motion– Shaping Post-Covid Euromed Relations”, the EuroMeSCo Annual Conference 2021 will be held on 15 April 2021. With this event, EuroMeSCo will actively contribute to the debate about the implementation of the new agenda for the Mediterranean, a few weeks after the release of the EU Joint Communication on the Renewed Partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood.
In this context and with the same objective, we invite think tankers and researchers (priority will be given to researchers affiliated to institutes which are members of the EuroMeSCo network) to submit paper proposals on issues related to the main dimensions covered in the EU Joint Communication:
1) Human development, good governance, and the rule of law
2) Strengthen resilience, build prosperity. and seize the digital transition
3) Peace and security
4) Migration and mobility
5) Green transition: climate resilience, energy, and environment
The proposals should have either a regional scope (i.e. relations of the EU with the Southern neighbourhood) or focus on bilateral relations of the EU with partner countries, including in relation with specific initiatives mentioned in the staff working document accompanying the Joint Communication.
The deadline to submit proposals is 23 April 2021. Paper proposals should not exceed 350 words.
You can register for the Annual Conference 2021!