Algerian oppositions call on Bouteflika to step down and the army to stay out of politics
In addition to the statement titled “Platform of Change” voiced by the National Coordination for Change, a New Algerian group headed by political leaders, opposition figures, activists and leaders of unions have called on President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to step down at the end of his term on 28 April. They also urged the army to stay out of politics. New influential opponents have emerged from growing protests. The New Algerian group includes prominent members such as lawyer and human rights activist Mustapha Bouchachi, opposition leader Karim Tabou and former treasury minister Ali Benouari, as well as two well-known Islamists, Mourad Dhina and Kamel Guemaz. On top of that, thirteen independent Algerian unions have refused to back the new PM, Noureddine Bedoui, in his endeavours to form an “inclusive government of technocrats”. Concerning the army, on the evening of 18 March, political leaders of the National Coordination for Change said the army should adhere to its constitutional role “without interfering in the people’s choice”. Ahmed Gaid Salah, the army chief of staff declared on the same day that the military should also participate to find a solution to the crisis, adopting a tone that appeared to side with Mr. Bouteflika thus sparking concerns among the opposition, according to analysts. On 20 March, the influential Algerian party called National Rally for Democracy (RND) also joined ruling party officials that had abandoned support for Bouteflika a few days before, unions and business representatives.
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -