5th meeting of the EU-Egypt Subcommittee on Political Matters, Human Rights & Democracy
The Subcommittee on Political Matters, Human Rights and Democracy of the Association Agreement between Egypt and the European Union held its fifth session in Cairo on 10-11 January 2018.
The meeting was jointly chaired by Ambassador Raouf Saad, chairman of the National Bureau for the Implementation of the Association Agreement at Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and by Colin Scicluna, acting Managing Director of the Middle East and North Africa Department of the European External Action Service.
The meeting took place six months after the EU – Egypt Association Council endorsed the EU-Egypt Partnership Priorities for 2017-2020. Representatives from the EU and Egypt discussed the Middle East peace process, the situations in Syria, Libya and the wider Arab region, peace and security in Africa, Nile water resources and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Both sides presented ways to further promote dialogue and cooperation, including in multilateral fora, towards attaining peace and stability in the Mediterranean and beyond.
The parties also addressed cooperation in the areas of human rights, democracy, the rule of law and fighting corruption, acknowledging both positive steps and remaining challenges faced by both sides in achieving concrete progress in line with constitutional and international obligations.
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -