2nd Western Sahara Roundtable aims at a “chance to build trust” UN says
On 21 and 22 March, the second Western Sahara Roundtable took place in Bursins (Vaud – Switzerland) and convened the personal envoy for the UN Secretary-General for Western Sahara, Horst Kohler, representatives of Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria and Polisario as accorded on the “UN Security Council resolution 2440 as a further step in the political process towards reaching a just, lasting, and mutually acceptable solution”. The UN personal envoy, Mr. Köhler expressed his satisfaction in his statement: “The delegations have committed themselves courteously, openly and in an atmosphere of mutual respect”. However, each party sticks to its position, where Morocco reiterates that the autonomy plan is the only viable solution, and the Polisario still calls on the UN to hold a referendum on self-determination. On the final statement, Mr. Köhler expressed that on the one hand there is a call to privilege “compromise” and “realism” which is in line with the demands of Morocco, and on the other hand a reference to “self-determination of the people of Western Sahara in accordance with Security Council Resolution 2440” adopted on 31 October. The end of the second round of negotiations was sealed with a favourable vote for the personal envoy to organize a third meeting including again all parties present at this round table.
- The Euromed news are edited by the team of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department of the European Institute of the Mediterranean -