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CES - METU - Center for European Studies - Middle East Technical University
Mission and objectives
The Middle East Technical University (METU) is one of Turkey’s premier public universities. Within METU, Center for European Studies (CES) was founded in 1997 by members of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences (FEAS) in order to promote the development of an interdisciplinary and comparative approach towards European integration and Euro-Mediterranean Relations.
CES is well-recognized as a highly productive training and research institution, which actively takes part or leads transnational projects. Since its inauguration, the Center has actively engaged in teaching and research on policy and politics in Europe in general and the process of social and political transformation in Turkey on the way to EU membership, in particular. In recognition of its achievements to stimulate and improve the debate, knowledge, research and training on European Integration, the Center has been awarded the title of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) in 2007.
Within its Euromed/Middle East programme, CES focuses on: teaching and researching on European integration; stimulating and participating in the debate, training and knowledge on European integration; contributing to regional and international links with Turkish academics and experts by acting as a hub of networking, training and research events.