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CEI International Affairs
Mission and objectives
CEI International Affairs was created in 1987 and its primary objective is to help professionals of diplomacy and international relations improve their knowledge and develop their skills and personal capabilities with the intention of achieving excellence; and train new professionals to enter the diplomatic career, the international public service, the regional and local government, NGO’s, or specialize in public and corporate diplomacy. This work, together with research and dialogue promoted through seminars and conferences, define the three basic lines of CEI International Affairs.
CEI International Affairs pursues its objectives via research, teaching and debates on issues such as human rights, the Rule of Law, sustainable development, democracy and conflict resolution.
CEI regularly organises seminars and issues publications about key challenges in the Euro-Mediterranean region, including solution to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict, energy, industry and climate change in the Mediterranean, security and defence in North Africa and the Union for the Mediterranean.