Understand the EU Mediterranean Agenda in order to Better Shape the Think Tank Policy Impact
24 January 2017
The main network of think tanks on policy and security in the Mediterranean, EuroMeSCo, held a workshop at the IEMed (Barcelona) with representatives of European institutions dedicated to external action. On behalf of EuroMeSCo, more than twenty researchers from the network were involved. The aim was to share the perspectives of the European institutions on the Euro-Mediterranean agenda and to discuss how think tanks could have an impact on this agenda and influence the definition of appropriate Euro-Mediterranean policies.
Irene Mingasson
Head of Unit. Regional Programmes Neighbourhood South: Dir B – Neighbourhood South, DG NEAR
European Commission
Rosamaria Gili
Head of Division. Arabic Peninsula, Iraq and Regional Policies
European External Action Service
Emmanuel Cohen-Hadria
Expert on Euro-Mediterranean Policies
IEMed – The European Institute of the Mediterranean
Dalia Ghanem
Senior Analyst Middle East and North Africa
EU ISS – European Union Institute for Security Studies