Tunisia: Six Years of Democratic Transitions
Six years after its revolution, Tunisia continues to be referred to as an example of a successful democratic transition. The transition, however, runs into obstacles and faces dangers that were analyzed at a seminar in Helsinki organized by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA), in the framework of the EuroMeSCo ENI Project.
The seminar marked the launching of the Joint Policy Study “Transformation in Tunisia: the first five years” edited by the EuroMeSCo network and coordinated by FIIA senior researcher Wolfgang Mühlberger.
The following publications have been published in the framework of this group:
Transformation in Tunisia: The First Five Years. By Wolfgang Muhlberger, Emmanuel Cohen-Hadria, Sherin Gharib, Cengiz Günay, Isabel Schäfer, Stefano Torelli
Pourquoi la Tunisie produit-elle autant de jihadistes ? By Jean-François Daguzan
Fragility in Tunisia: a Test Case for Integrated Security and Development Assistance. By Giovanni Faleg