Sahel and Security in the Mediterranean
26 October 2017
The Carnegie Middle East Center hosted w workshop in Beirut on the main challenges affecting the Sahel region and the stability of the Mediterranean region.
Members of the research group, coordinated by Dr Dalia Gahem-Yazbeck, El Erian Fellow at Carnegie Middle East, presented their initial research findings on the growing jihadist threat, the impact on Algeria as well as the role of the country in the region, the effectiveness of foreign interventions and finally challenges related to climate and demographic trends
The workshop was organised in the framework of the EuroMeSCo ENI Project, co-financed by the EU and the IEMed.
Emmanuel Cohen-Hadria
Expert on Euro-Mediterranean Policies
IEMed – The European Institute of the Mediterranean
Dalia Ghanem
Senior Analyst Middle East and North Africa
EU ISS – European Union Institute for Security Studies
Yahia H. Zoubir
Professor in International Relations, Director of Research in Geopolitics
KEDGE Business School