Policy Debate: Climate-induced Internal Displacement in MENA Countries
This Policy Study is the result of a joint research effort carried out by a multidisciplinary and international group of experts from all over the Euro-Mediterranean region. This Joint Study Group has been coordinated by Manale Abou Dagher (Program manager at the Climate Change and Environment Program, Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs, American University of Beirut), with contributions by Ali Abbas Abdeldjalil (University of Batna), Carlos García Rivero (Valencia & Stellenbosch University), Eleftherios Giovanis (Izmir Bakircay University), Matías Ibáñez Sales, (IEMed), Samir Nassar, (Issam Fares Institute), Maria Eleni Pantazi Psatha (KU Leuven).
The Policy Debates are small-sized closed-door meetings held under Chatham House rules.