
EuroMeSCo at COP 27 Mediterranean Pavillion: Towards decarbonised economies: a joint Euro-Med endeavour, against all odds

11 November 2022
COP 27 - Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

For the first time in history, COP27 (6-18 November 2022) hosted a Mediterranean Pavilion, seeking to highlight both the pressing challenges and their respective innovative solutions, for one of the most threatened regions in the world in terms of climate change.

EuroMeSCo attended this debate, organised by the IEMed, to offer different perspectives on climate change and to promote green growth and the energy transition in the Mediterranean.

The session was presented by Senén Florensa, Executive President of the IEMed, and moderated by Roger Albinyana, Managing Director of the IEMed.

Laura Basagni shared some insights from the EuroMeSCo policy study in which she contributed: “Anticipating and Mitigating Side-Effects: The Road to a Successful Green Transition in the Euro-Mediterranean Region”. She also shared her reflections on the effects of war in Ukraine for the Green Transition in the Mediterranean region.

Emad Adly brought to the panel not only Egyptian expertise but also a regional civil society perspective.

And Josep Canals-Molina explained how cities in the Mediterranean are at the forefront of the decarbonisation agenda.

Watch the event here


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