Connect & Kick Off Meeting | Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia: A Comparative Perspective on Maghreb Countries Migration Cooperation with their West African Neighbours
The Connect & Kick Off Meetings are the departing point of the EuroMeSCo Joint Study Groups’ research cycle. In these meetings, the Coordinators of each Joint Study Group will present their Concept Notes in order to get feedback on the objectives, structure, approach and methodology of the resulting Policy Study. The goal of the Connect and Kick Off is to bring the Coordinator – and by extension the whole Joint Study Group – closer to ongoing policy debates in different EU and regional institutions, thus ensuring a policy-oriented research approach.
Abdeslam Badre, Independent Consultant and Associate Professor of Migration and Policy Development, Mohammed V University, is the coordinator of this Joint Study Group and he will present his research proposal to EU policymakers and experts to establish a roadmap for the resulting Policy Study.