
Comment renforcer la coopération avec la société civile dans les relations UE-Maghreb

25 - 26 March 2013

The Maghreb countries were the first to experience the processes of political change in the Arab world. The civil societies of the Maghreb countries were the main actors behind these transformations. Recognising the importance of citizen organisations, the European Union (EU) has placed much of its efforts on rebuilding its links with Arab civil society. Among other things, the EU published the Communication “The Roots of Democracy and Sustainable Development: Europe’s Engagement with Civil Society in External Relations”, which lays down the basis for the EU action in promoting relations with civil society organisations in the Maghreb and elsewhere.

On the other hand, the EU recently published its strategy for “Supporting Closer Cooperation and Regional Integration in the Maghreb: Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia”. This Communication “set out ways in which the EU might support closer cooperation between the countries of the Maghreb, drawing on its own extensive experience of integration and given its interest in the region as a neighbour and key partner for the five countries concerned “. The promotion of regional integration in the Maghreb is also becoming a main objective of the EU’s action in the region.

The purpose of the workshop was to analyze the state of cooperation between the EU and the Maghreb as well as the point of view of the Maghreb research centers on the strengthening of the role of civil society. This event was part of a project developed by the IEMed aimed at strengthening the capacity of civil society, in particular research and think tanks, and at enhancing their dialogue with national and European authorities.




day one

Ouverture et bienvenue

Alberto Navarro Ambassadeur de l’Espagne au Royaume du Maroc
Eneko Landaburu Ambassadeur, Chef de Délégation de l’Union Européenne au Royaume du Maroc
Mohammed Fahmi Chef de File de la Fondation Anna Lindh

session pleniere

Les relations entre l’UE et les pays du Maghreb dans le nouveau contexte Euro-méditerranéen : intégration régionale et soutien européen des reformes politiques
president Andreu Bassols Directeur Général IEMed

day two

session pleniere

Le rôle de la société civile, les centres de recherche et les think tanks dans les reformes politiques et l’approfondissement des relations UE-Maghreb
Lahcen Achy Chercheur Carnegie Middle East Centre
Louisa Dris-Aït Hamadouche Professeur l’Université d’Alger
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