Closing Event EuroMeSCo Annual Conference – Brussels
30 November 2022
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
The Annual Conference Closing Event will take place in Brussels on 30 November. The event is hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).
The Closing Event will serve as a wrap-up for the four previous Country Events of the Annual Conference, which took place in Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia and Egypt under the umbrella of the EuroMeSCo Annual Conference 2022 “Towards more Social Justice and Inclusiveness in the Mediterranean”.
09h00 – 09h20 Opening Session and Welcome Remarks
Dimitris Dimitriadis
President of the External Relations Section
European Economic and Social Committee – EESC
Henrike Trautmann
Acting Director-General
Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, DG NEAR, European Commission
Katarina Ivanković Knežević
Director, Social Rights and Inclusion,
Directorate-General fo Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, DG EMPL, European Commission
09h35–11h00 Plenary Session - Social justice and inclusiveness in the Mediterranean
Presentation of takeaways from country Events
Policy perspectives from the European Commission, the European External Action Service and the Union for the Mediterranean:
Abdelkader El Khissassi
Deputy Secretary General of Economic Development and Employment
Union for the Mediterranean
Ingrid Schwaiger
Deputy Head of Unit, Regional Cooperation Neighbourhood South
Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, DG NEAR B2, European Commission
Beatriz Salvador Garcia
Deputy Head of Division, Regional Affairs
Middle East and North Africa, European External Action Service
11h00-12h20 Coffee Break
11h20 – 13h00 Multistakeholder Dialogue Platforms (Parallel sessions) Combatting Corruption and Fostering Accountability
Parallel Session 1: Business Platform – Combatting Corruption in the private sector and boosting business integrity
Moderator: Emmanuel Cohen-Hadria
Director of the Euro-Mediterranean Policies Department
European Institute of the Mediterranean – IEMed
Setting the scene
Diane Pallez
Policy Analyst, Anti-Corruption
Middle East and Africa Division, Global Relations Secretariat, OECD
Parallel Session 2: Civil Society Platform – The role of Civil Society in enhancing accountability and transparency and in fighting corruption
Moderator: Jenny Gilbert
EuroMeSCo Programme Manager
European Institute of the Mediterranean – IEMed
Setting the scene
Lora Ujkaj
Policy Officer, Rule of Law, Governance and Security
Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, DG NEAR A2, European Commission