Arab Youth Activism after the Arab Uprisings. Local Strategies, the Risk of Radicalisation and the Role of the EU
The Arab upheavals in 2010-2011 brought Arab youth into the limelight, by renewing the world’s attention towards the status and conditions of young generations in the region. However, what has been lacking in the debates on youth has been a sound analysis of the claims, goals, forms, strategies and prospects of youth activism.
These issues were discussed at a seminar, whose aim was to present the final results of the Working Group on “Youth Activism in the South and East Mediterranean Countries since the Arab Uprisings: Challenges and Policy Options”.
The event was organised by the Istituto Affari Internazionali in the framework of the EuroMeSCo ENI Project, co-financed by the European Union and the European Institute of the Mediterranean.
The following publications have been published in the framework of this group:
Youth Activism in the South and East Mediterranean Countries since the Arab Uprisings: Challenges and Policy Options. By Silvia Colombo (Ed.), Nadine Abdalla, Omar Shaban, Isabel Schäfer
From Activism to Artivism: New Forms of Youth Activism in the Aftermath of 20 February Movement. By Mohamed ElHachimi
Countering Violent Extremism in the MENA Region: Time to Rethink Approaches and Strategies. By Moussa Bourekba