Who we are

EuroMeSCo is the main network of research centres and think tanks in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Founded in 1996, in the aftermath of the Barcelona Declaration, the network currently comprises 126 institutes from 30 European and Southern Mediterranean countries.


Fostering evidence-based and policy-oriented analysis on Euro-Mediterranean politics and policies through joint research programmes.


Providing a platform for dialogue between researchers from both shores of the Mediterranean, as well as between the members of the network and key stakeholders.


Boosting the role of think tanks and research institutes in policy-making and strengthening Euro-Mediterranean relations.


EuroMeSCo’s governing bodies are:

The General Assembly: comprised of the full members of the network, it decides on the general guidelines for EuroMeSCo activities. The President of the General Assembly is Ambassador Senén Florensa, Executive President of the IEMed.

The Steering Committee: composed of 12 institutes, in addition to the Academic Secretariat (IEMed). Its main mission is to monitor the activities of the network. Currently composed of: ACPSS (Egypt), ARI (France), CASE (Poland), CEMI (Tunisia), CIDOB (Spain), EPC (Belgium), FIIA (Finland), ISPI (Italy), Leonard Davis Institute (Israel), Pal-Think for Strategic Studies (Palestine), Policy Centre of the New South (Morocco) and WANA (Jordan).

The Academic Secretariat: it coordinates the day-to-day functioning of the network. It is managed by the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) since November 2010, based in Barcelona, Spain.


Between 2020-2024, IEMed coordinated EuroMesCo: Connecting the Dots, a project co-funded by the European Union and the IEMed, implemented in the framework of the EuroMeSCo network, that aimed at contributing to increased awareness, as well as regional and national evidence-based policy making on priority areas of the ENP South (economic development, security and migration).


The team

Senén Florensa Palau

Chair of EuroMeSCo General Assembly and Executive President of European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)

Senén Florensa Palau

Rim Filali Meknassi


Rim Filali Meknassi

Jenny Gilbert


Jenny Gilbert

Ana López


Ana López



The membership in the network is open to any research institute or think tank from the Euro-Mediterranean area dealing with security, migrations and economic development in the Mediterranean. The membership is free of charge. Please submit your Application Form to euromesco@iemed.org.

Download the Membership Application Form

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